Flora d’Italia – volume 1: 2nd edition


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Flora d’Italia – volume 1: 2nd edition Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Edagricole-New Business Media
ISBN: 9788850652426 Category:

Language: – Italian
This first volume of the new flora introduces the complete work, and also deals with the Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and the first part of Angiosperms, including Monocotyledons (in the first (1982) edition these were included in volume 3 )

The systematic arrangement goes through superfamilies, families, genera, species, subspecies , up to the varieties and forms of the same species, each described in detail. Each species is also illustrated by a drawing that shows the diagnostic details.

An index is included

Contents of volume 1
Indice Generale/ Introduzione, Collaboratori/ Significato di questa Flora/ Notizie pratiche/ Bibliografia/ Abbreviazioni/ Famiglie e generi trattati nel Vol. 1/ DIVISIONE 1 – PTERIDOPHYTA: Equisetaceae/ Lycopodiaceae/ Selaginellaceae/ Isoetaceae/ Ophioglossaceae/ Botrychia- ceae/ Osmundaceae/ Pteridaceae/ Hemionitidaceae/ Cryptogrammaceae/ Adiantaceae/ Sinopteridaceae/ Hymenophyllaceae/ Hypolepidaceae/ Polypodiaceae/ Thelypteridaceae/ Aspleniaceae/ Athyriaceae/ Woodsiaceae/ Onocleaceae/ Dryopteridaceae/ Nephrolepidaceae/ Blechnaceae/ Marsileaceae/ Salviniaceae/ Azollaceae// DIVISIONE II – GYMNOSPERMAE: Pinaceae/ Taxodiaceae/ Cupressaceae/ Taxaceae/ Ginkgoaceae/ Ephedraceae/ / DIVISIONE III – ANGIOSPERMAE: Angiosperme Basali (Nymphaeaceae/ Ceratophyllaceae)/ Magnoliidae (Magnoliaceae/ Lauraceae/ Aristolochia- ceae/ Saururaceae)/ Monocotyledoneae( Acoraceae/ Araceae/ Tofieldiaceae/ Butomaceae/ Hydrocharitaceae/ Alismataceae/ Scheuchzeriaceae/ Juncaginaceae/ Cymodoceaceae/ Posidoniaceae/ Ruppiaceae/ Zosteraceae/ Potamogetonaceae/ Dioscoraceae/ Melianthaceae/ Colchicaceae/ Smilacaceae / Liliaceae/ Asparagaceae/ Amaryllidaceae/ Asphodelaceae/ Iridaceae/ Orchidaceae/ Arecaceae (Palmae)/ Sparganiaceae/ Typhaceae/ Juncaceae/ Cyperaceae/ Eriocaulaceae/ Poaceae/ Commelinaceae/ Pondederiaceae/ Cannaceae/ Musaceae)/ Dicotiledoneae (Eudicotiledoni), Eudicotiledoni basali (Berberidaceae/ Ranunculaceae/ Lardizabalaceae/ Papaveraceae/ Nelumbonaceae/ Platanaceae// Eudicotiledoni centrali (Core Eudicots): Loranthaceae/ Santalaceae/ Paeoniaceae/ Crassulaceae/ Haloragaceae/ Grossulariaceae/ Saxifragaceae.

Weight3 kg

