Arborists’ Knots for Climbing & Rigging. CEU Workbook


Arborists’ Knots for Climbing & Rigging. CEU Workbook Author: Format: Paperback First Published: Published By: International Society of Arboriculture
string(2) "28"
Pages: 28 ISBN: 9781881956518 Category:

Arborists’ Knots for Climbing and Rigging CEU Workbook is an illustrated workbook that accompanies the Arborists’ Knots for Climbing & Rigging DVD. but is also useful as a stand alone guide.

Some of the knots included in this book:
Anchor Hitch, Blake’s Hitch, Bowline,
Buntline Hitch, Butterfly Knot, Clove Hitch,
Cow Hitch, Daisy Chain ,Distel, Double Fisherman’s Bend, Double Fisherman’s Knot, Klemheist, Marline Hitch, Michoacán, Prusik Hitch, Running Bowline, Schwabisch, Sheet Bend,
Tautline Hitch, Timber Hitch, Triple Fisherman’s Knot,
Valdôtain Tresse (VT), Zeppelin Bend.

You can earn two CEUs* by completing the workbook test answer sheets, returning them to ISA for grading, and receiving a score of 80% or greater.

Weight0.15 kg

