Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management


Available for Pre-order. Due June 2024.
Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management Editors: Benjamin Drakeford, Francisco Leitão, Jorge Ramos Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: IGI Global
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Pages: 300 Language: English ISBN: 9798369324363 Categories: , ,

Coastal areas are among Earth’s most dynamic and economically vital regions, supporting diverse ecosystems and human communities. However, they face unprecedented challenges due to increasing urbanization, industrialization, and climate change. These pressures have led to the degradation of coastal environments, loss of biodiversity, and heightened vulnerability to natural disasters. The traditional approaches to coastal management often need to be revised to address these complex and interconnected challenges, highlighting the need for innovative solutions that integrate scientific advancements. Despite the recognized importance of coastal areas, their management remains a complex and multifaceted challenge. The current practices often need more integration across disciplines and leverage the full potential of scientific innovations. This fragmented approach hinders effective decision-making and limits the ability to address coastal communities’ diverse and evolving challenges. Furthermore, the lack of comprehensive and accessible resources that bridge the gap between research and practice hampers the implementation of sustainable coastal management strategies. Scientific Innovations for Coastal Resource Management offers a timely and comprehensive solution to the challenges facing coastal areas worldwide. This book provides a holistic framework for sustainable coastal management by bringing together diverse perspectives and cutting-edge research. It serves as a bridge between theory and practice, offering practical insights and innovative approaches that can be applied in real-world scenarios. With its emphasis on scientific innovations, including Industry 4.0 technologies, the book equips scholars, practitioners, and policymakers with the knowledge and tools needed to address the complex challenges of coastal management in the 21st century.

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