This second edition of the book presents Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Lake Victoria Basin (LVB)’s water monitoring products that stretches over 50 years from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Exchange (GRACE) and its Follow-on (GRACE-FO) satellite missions, investigates the lake’s floating islands that disrupts power production, analyses LVB’s groundwater, and unravels the causes of the 2018-2019 rise of its water level. In a unique cross-disciplinary approach, the book articulates the various climatic impacts and explanations from natural and anthropogenic origins, which affected Lake Victoria and its vicinity, including the drastic increase and depletion of water level in the Lake and dams, floods and droughts, water quality/security, crop health, food security, and economic implications. The book is recommended for readers from a diverse discipline, including physical and social sciences, policy, law, engineering, and disaster management. Professor C.K. Shum, Ohio State University.
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