Lake Victoria Monitored from Space


Available for Pre-order. Due May 2025.
Lake Victoria Monitored from Space Author: Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Springer International Publishing AG
string(3) "500"
Pages: 500 Illustrations and other contents: Approx. 500 p. Language: English ISBN: 9783031847356 Categories: , , ,

This second edition of the book presents Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based Lake Victoria Basin (LVB)’s water monitoring products that stretches over 50 years from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Exchange (GRACE) and its Follow-on (GRACE-FO) satellite missions, investigates the lake’s floating islands that disrupts power production, analyses LVB’s groundwater, and unravels the causes of the 2018-2019 rise of its water level. In a unique cross-disciplinary approach, the book articulates the various climatic impacts and explanations from natural and anthropogenic origins, which affected Lake Victoria and its vicinity, including the drastic increase and depletion of water level in the Lake and dams, floods and droughts, water quality/security, crop health, food security, and economic implications. The book is recommended for readers from a diverse discipline, including physical and social sciences, policy, law, engineering, and disaster management. Professor C.K. Shum, Ohio State University.

Weight0.93248 kg




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Author Biography

Joseph Awange is a professor of Environmental Geoinformatics at the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) having previously worked at Curtin University (Australia). His research interests are sensing of environmental changes employing geospatial and AI techniques, hydroclimate, climate variability/change, climate extremes and mathematical geosciences (algebraic & numerical solutions). He obtained his BSc and MSc degrees in Surveying (University of Nairobi, Kenya). Joseph was awarded a merit scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Program (DAAD), which facilitated his obtaining a second MSc degree and PhD in Geodesy at Stuttgart University (Germany) under the supervision of the late Prof Erik W. Grafarend (one of the world’s renown geodesists). In 2002-2004, he was awarded the prestigious Japan Society of Promotion of Science (JSPS; Japan) Fellowship to pursue postdoctoral research in Environmental Geodesy at Kyoto University. His research output has been globally recognized through prestigious Awards (i) Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellowships (2008-2011 Ludwig Leichhardt Memorial Fellowship for experienced researchers, 2015 & 2019 AvH support in acknowledgment of his scientific achievements in his specific academic field and in recognition of his contribution towards scientific cooperation with German colleagues), (ii) 2015 JSPS Fellowship, and (iii), Brazil Frontier of Science (Brazil). Joseph who holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) from Murdoch University (Australia) is currently serving as the Acquisition Manager for Springer Nature (world-leading research, educational and professional publisher) in charge of Earth Sciences, Geography, and Environment books. He attained International Editorial role in Springer Earth Science Books and has authored more than 25 scholarly books with the prestigious Springer publisher and more than 250 peer-reviewed high-impact journal publications.