Handbook of Life Support Systems for Spacecraft and Extraterrestrial Habitats


Available for Pre-order. Due July 2025.
Handbook of Life Support Systems for Spacecraft and Extraterrestrial Habitats Editors: Erik Seedhouse, David J Shayler Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Springer International Publishing AG
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Pages: 1000 Illustrations and other contents: 200 Illustrations, color; 100 Illustrations, black and white; 1000 p. 300 illus., 200 illus. in color. In 2 volumes, not available separately. Language: English ISBN: 9783319104577 Categories: ,

This reference work gathers all of the latest technologies, information, definitions and explanations of spacecraft life support systems, while providing in-depth coverage of the current knowledge of the business of keeping astronauts alive during their missions. It is intended that this MRW be the go-to reference work not only for aerospace engineers, but also for graduate and undergraduate aerospace engineers and space scientists. The area of spacecraft life support is comprised of dozens of specialties and sub-specialties within the fields of engineering, biophysics and medicine. As space agencies around the world pursue cutting-edge life support technologies, much more information and data is accumulated. When humans move out into the solar system to stay for long durations, the most immediate challenge will be the provision of reliable and robust life support systems in locations devoid of food, air and water. These life support systems must provide these commodities in each phase of spaceflight, including intra-vehicular activity (IVA) and extra-vehicular activity (EVA). Systems supporting human life must also fulfill myriad requirements: exceptional reliability in the space environment, allowing maintenance and component replacement in space; reduced resupply mass of consumables and spares; the ability to utilize local planetary resources for self sufficiency; and minimized mass power and volume requirements. These requirements will assume ever greater importance as bolder missions are envisioned and more sophisticated life support systems are required. For example, the next decade could see human missions to Mars and a return to the Moon. In the not-so-distant future, there is the prospect of Mars One and the creation of a permanent extraterrestrial colony. It may appear that a suitable environment can be created simply by reproducing terrestrial environmental conditions within a vehicle. In reality, it is first necessary to define the environmental characteristics humans require and match these requirements with the myriad design constraints. This is no easy task, because implementing these environmental parameters within a spacecraft can be challenging, while balancing the various requirements and constraints can test the abilities of even the most gifted aerospace engineer. Yet it is a crucial field of study and the experts contributing to this volume are on the very front lines.The Handbook of Life Support Systems fpr Extraterrestrial Habitats is gathering new chapters for it’s coming edition. prospective authors are encouraged to contact the Editors-in-Chief Erik Seedhouse and David Shayler: [email protected].

Weight1.843105 kg



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Author Biography

Dr. Erik Seedhouse worked as an Astronaut Training Consultant for Bigelow Aerospace in 2005, a company for whom he wrote the Spaceflight Participants Flight Surgeon’s Manual, and also prepared many reports and oversaw training in his years with the DRDC. Erik is a research scientist specializing in environmental life sciences and physiology, the subject in which he obtained his Ph.D. in Physiology while working for the European Space Agency between 1996 and 1998. In 2009, he was one of the final candidates for selection as an astronaut in the CSA’s Astronaut Recruitment Campaign. He is a certified commercial suborbital astronaut who will fly a payload mission in 2014. He is also Training Director for Astronauts for Hire and, for the last four years, served as Director of Canada’s Manned Centrifuge Operations. David J. Shayler has been following the shuttle operational story for over 30 years and in particular aspects of its relationship with space stations. Shayler joined the British Interplanetary Society in 1976 and has participated in numerous activities, programs and projects including chairing meetings, working on committees and contributing to society publications. Dozens of his articles have appeared in BIS publications since 1977. He created Astro Info Service in October 1982 to focus his space writing and research, with lectures and educational outreach activities. Early publications included the periodicals ORBITER (on the Shuttle) and ZENIT (on Soviet activities), and a growing range of biographies on the world's space explorers. In 1990 he co-created the Midland Spaceflight Society and acts as its chairman. His first books were published in 1987 by Ian Allen and Salamander Books and since then over 20 titles have been authored including 13 titles in the Praxis Space Library between 2000 and 2009. He has also contributed to U. S. books and collections on human spaceflight including the three editions of Macmillan’s Who’s Who in Space edited by Michael Cassutt. In 2008 his authorised biography on Skylab astronaut Jerry Carr was published after 20 years’ research. Personal research has been conducted at NASA JSC in Houston and at KSC in Florida, as well as at Rice and Clear Lake Universities and NARA archives in Texas. His research has also allowed him to complete a fascinating and informative visit to Russia in 2003 visiting the Cosmonaut Training Center and other facilities around Moscow.