After the success of the third edition, Europe and Mediterranean Marine Fish Identification Guide has now been updated for the fourth edition.
This identification guide includes all the marine fish species that may be encountered in coastal Western Europe and the Mediterranean up to 50m in depth.
Richness of illustration
It offers the most comprehensive iconography ever gathered on marine fish of the area: including many photographs and line drawings illustrating the key distinctive features of each species.
A simple yet rigorous approach
Although scientifically rigorous, this book focuses on simple visual criteria to identify fish in their environment. Fishermen and amateur divers will enjoy it as much as students or scientists! This updated edition includes lots of recent information on European and Mediterranean fish, as evidenced by 20 new species, more than 50 updated distribution maps, over 40 new drawings and 30 additional photos. Significant work has been done on the relevance and reliability of the identification criteria, making it possible to differentiate a number of species that remained previously difficult to distinguish
ISBN: 9782379222689
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