Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens: Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, and Conservation


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Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens: Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, and Conservation Authors: , , Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Oxford University Press
string(3) "368"
Pages: 368 Illustrations and other contents: 125 colour illustrations Language: English ISBN: 9780198825920 Categories: , ,

Ebola virus disease, Zika virus, Lyme disease, bovine tuberculosis, and avian influenza; the study of disease outbreaks or epidemics is inherently fascinating and complex. From the circulation of pathogens in wildlife communities, to spillover events that involve jumping into new species, to stuttering or full-blown pandemics in human populations. Furthermore, it requires an understanding of transmission dynamics at multiple levels and scales: from molecular evolution, immunology, pathology, ecology, and epidemiology. The implications also cross disciplines: biodiversity and conservation, public health policy, globalization, and politics. Despite a recent explosion of courses on the topic, this is the first textbook to explicitly examine wildlife disease ecology at the human-wildlife interface. Emerging Zoonotic and Wildlife Pathogens is aimed at graduate students and researchers in the fields of disease ecology and veterinary epidemiology, as well as a broader interdisciplinary audience of conservation biologists, public health specialists, and land managers.

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