Collection Care: Preventive Conservation, Predictive Analysis and Environmental Monitoring


Available for Pre-order. Due June 2025.
Collection Care: Preventive Conservation, Predictive Analysis and Environmental Monitoring Editors: Emanuela Bosco, Laura Fuster-López, Ángel F. Perles Ivars Format: Hardback First Published: Published By: Springer International Publishing AG
string(3) "490"
Pages: 490 Illustrations and other contents: Approx. 490 p. Language: English ISBN: 9783031856549 Category:

This open access book compiles the contributions of the conference CollectionCare: New Challenges in Preventive Conservation, Predictive Analysis and Environmental Monitoring. The conference held within the framework of the EU’s Horizon2020 CollectionCare project (grant no. 814624), was a forum where the latest technological advances in the study of the behavior and aging of cultural heritage materials, environmental monitoring, and the design of preventive conservation strategies in collections were presented.   This volume is of interest to heritage researchers and is divided into two sections: the first brings together thirteeen papers that focus on the monitoring, analysis, data interpretation and modelling of the effects of different degradation agents (temperature, relative humidity, pollutants, light, vibration, etc.) in materials present in cultural heritage objects. The second part of the book presents eight case studies dealing with risk assessment and risk management in different types of collections with diverse needs, priorities, and resources, thus illustrating the complexity of implementing all the current knowledge on sensing, monitoring, predictive analysis and preventive conservation in the design of conservation strategies. The case studies presented also demonstrate how these tools have contributed to maximise dialogue and coordination between the different stakeholders involved in the conservation of cultural heritage.

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Author Biography

Ángel F. Perles-Ivars is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Spain. He is a member of the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies (ITACA), where his research focuses on discrete-event modeling and simulation, embedded systems, and low-power wide-area networks (IoT). He has coordinated several regional, national, and international research projects, including the European Union's H2020 project “CollectionCare: Innovative and Affordable Service for the Preventive Conservation Monitoring of Individual Cultural Artefacts during Display, Storage, Handling, and Transport.” Currently, he leads the Spanish national project "WiMOSA: Wireless Non-Stop Monitoring System for Heritage Safeguard."   Laura Fuster-López is a Professor in the Dept. of Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales at the Universitat Politècnica de València. Since 2007 she has been in charge of the research area 'Study of the mechanical and dimensional properties of painting materials ’ at the UPV and is currently leading two national research projects on the study of the formation and propagation of cracks in canvas paintings. She has been coordinator of the Art Panel at the Spanish Research Agency and has served as an expert in various international panels.  In 2022 she was elected Fellow of the International Institute of Conservation (UK) for her contribution to the discipline of conservation-restoration. From 2011 to 2021 she was Assistant Coordinator of the Training and Education Working Group of ICOM-CC, and since 2023 she has been President of ENCoRE (European Network for Conservation Restoration Education).    Emanuela Bosco is an Associate Professor in the Chair of Applied Mechanics and Design at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). Her research interest is in the field of computational mechanics, in particular on multi-scale and multi-physics methods focused on different types of applications: degradation of historical art objects, concrete, fibrous networks, granular materials. In 2017 and 2022, she was awarded a VENI and a VIDI research personal grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). In 2023, she was awarded an ERC Starting grant from the European Research Council. Emanuela also holds a Music-Diploma in Viola, obtained at Conservatorium Marenzio of Brescia (Italy).